When Vanity is the Salvation to Self-Confidence

When Vanity is the Salvation to Self-Confidence

What is Vanity? I quickly look vanity up on the definition, and I found this particular definition fitted for the blog’s content. vanity /ˈvanɪti/ excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements (From Oxford Languages) Then, the boy digs deeper into the 

Is social distancing causing delay in response time?

Is social distancing causing delay in response time?

In Singapore, we refer to the lockdown as a circuit breaker (CB). CB entails a set of stringent preventive measures, including social distancing to curb with the effects of COVID-19 pandemic. While I am not necessarily proud of it, I have been circuit breaking long 

How to create happy positive emotions by easy self-help and mindfulness

How to create happy positive emotions by easy self-help and mindfulness

Mindfulness starts with a slow pace It was a seemingly uneventful afternoon, with the sun shining bright and warm in the usually hot and humid Singapore. Yet, my view was clouded with glooms, and the air smelt of the stench of staleness. I felt heavy 

When Depression is about Successful Survivorship

When Depression is about Successful Survivorship

It was just another ordinary day after a mundane routine of unimportant work. Like a bunch of worker ants on clockwork, we mindlessly took the company transport from the office in the industrial estate and alighted at the nearest MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) train station.